The Announcement of a $1.85 Million Bounty For Docking the Curve Hacker Is Open to the Public
The hacker in charge of the most recent $61 million dollar Curve exploit had passed Curve Finance’s deadline to voluntarily return the funds.
The Curve team has now opened up to the public to claim the reward for doxxing the hacker. Although the hacker returned some funds, 10% of the $18.5 million in stolen funds that have not yet been recovered are up for grabs as the incentive for locating the exploiter and helping to bring them to justice.
On-chain messages from Curve, MetronomeDAO, and Alchemix Finance, which also experienced losses, had included the deadline. The group looked to be attempting to negotiate a voluntary payment back with the perpetrator, but to no effect. Additionally, they had stated that they were planning to sue the offender.
Commenters on Crypto Twitter expressed skepticism that the deadline would help recover any of the funds that had been stolen. Others hypothesized that the attack might be yet another from the Lazarus group of North Korean hackers, who made news last week with yet another million-dollar exploit.