One of two teams from Darien High School’s Programming Club won first place in a competition at the Cyberquest games on Saturday in Stratford.
— an announcement from Darien High School
Competing against other high school teams from Connecticut and New York state, the “Blue Wave team” made up of Pasquale Hoffman, Reagan Little, Anoushka Muchhal and Nathan Camporeale won first place.
The Blue Dot Wave team competed well, as first year participants. Aiden Younessian, Michael Lui, Brady Eldredge are on that team. (A “dot wave” is a thing.)
The Saturday, March 24 event took place at Sikorsky in Stratford. Cyberquest, a project sponsored by Lockheed Martin, took place at multiple locations that weekend.
“The goal of the competition is to encourage high school students to pursue careers in cybersecurity,” according to a description on the Lockheed Martin website.”During the three-hour competition, teams of students work together to solve cybersecurity challenges.
“Cyberquest is a cloud-based competition that includes problems created by Lockheed Martin cybersecurity engineers. The Capture the Flag (CTF) format includes multi-step intrusion scenario, steganography, reverse engineering, full OS hacks, packet capture, web exploits, social engineering and cybersecurity awareness.”