Shabana Azmi, who was recently seen in Bollywood movies Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and Ghoomer, has become a victim of cyber impersonation. Her colleagues are reviewing messages and calls from a fake number that appears on Shabana Azmi’s name. Taking strict action against the cyber criminal, Shabana Azmi lodged a complaint with the cybercrime department and shared their notice on her social media handles. Read it below.
“It has come to our notice that some of our colleagues and associates, have received messages purported to be from Ms Shabana Azmi. These are clearly “phishing” attempts asking responders to make purchases on the App Store for the messenger.”
It has come to our notice that some of our colleagues and associates, have received messages purported to be from Ms Shabana Azmi. These are clearly “phishing” attempts asking responders to make purchases on App Store for the messenger. Please do not reply or pick any…— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) August 22, 2023
“Please do not reply or pick any calls/messages that appear to be coming to you from Shabanaji. This is a cybercrime of impersonation, and we are making a police complaint. As of now the two numbers from which these messages have been reported are +66987577041 and +998917811675. Thank you .
Rajiv Grover. I.T Unit
ActionAid Association
F-5 , Kailash C olony,
New Delhi-110048
Tel: +091 (11) 40640500 Extn 252
Mobile- +091 (11) 7982066768