Hacking is not a crime, criminal activity is | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #hacker

I started my cyber security career not as a writer, but as a hacker in the truest sense of the word. In the late 1980s and early 1990s I explored other people’s networks for educational, rather than criminal, reasons. I was keen to learn about the emerging online world and for me, hands-on experience was how I could do that most effectively.

Certainly, I strayed into the darker shades of grey when it came to my virtual travels, but I never set out to do harm or steal. Fast-forward 35 years or so and for most people, in my experience, hacking often conjures up one of four visions:

  • The hoodie-wearing teenager installing malware, stealing data (or draining bank balances), defacing sites in the name of political activism, or hitting services with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
  • Organized criminal gangs stealing data and/or extorting victims. Ransomware groups have become the focus of much of this attention today, but these are far from the only players in cyber crime.
  • State-sponsored actors involved in commercial/industrial/political espionage.
  • Law enforcement or government agencies carrying out surveillance or gathering information to build a case.

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