How to Hack Terminals in Starfield | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #hacker

Bethesda games have always been well-known for the variety of different skills you can perform. One of these skills includes hacking into terminals to get the information that you need as you travel across planets. Even though that doesn’t sound like the most legal thing to do, it’s sometimes necessary in order to proceed or gain things for your own use. If you want to learn how to hack terminals in Starfield yourself, then keep reading for the most comprehensive guide possible.

Hacking Terminals in Starfield

Image Source: Bethesda via The Nerd Stash

In Starfield, doing anything from lockpicking to hacking into terminals requires what’s called a digipick. This is basically a lockpick that works on both computers and locks. Understanding that, you will first need to ensure that you have the right amount of digipicks, or any at all, in order to hack terminals. Some terminals and locks will say that they are considered advanced, expert, and master locks. As you rank up your security skills, you will be able to have access to different locks you can unlock as well as how easy it will be to unlock.

The actual hacking itself is a minigame in which there are rings with divots in them. To the right of these rings will be a set of circular keys that fit in some way within the divots of the rings. You must fit these circular keys into the ring divots correctly in order to unlock the terminal or lock. As you rank up your skills, you’ll be granted more chances to attempt the lock and even the ability to have the circular key turn blue whenever it can be properly slotted into a divot. Realistically, with the right training, you will be able to easily hack any terminal that you come across in Starfield. Fortunately, in an age of space travel, there are plenty of digital locks and terminals for you to be able to hack and break into.

Finding the digipicks are what’s realistically the hard part, as they are required to have as opposed to just a hacking skill that wouldn’t require the use of a key at all. So long as you have the required items and the skills, then there shouldn’t be any issues. At that point, it will be about making sure that you don’t get caught when you shouldn’t be breaking into something.

Related: Adam Savage Brings Starfield Ship to Life

Starfield is available on September 6 for the Xbox Series X|S and PC.


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