Increasing transparency in Tasmania’s child safety system | #childsafety | #kids | #chldern | #parents | #schoolsafey

7 June 2023

Roger Jaensch,

Minister for Education, Children and Youth

The Rockliff Liberal Government is increasing transparency in the child safety system by broadening the data publicly available on the human services dashboard.

Minister for Education, Children and Youth, Roger Jaensch, said the Government was committed to continuous improvement and transparency in its responses to children, young people and families at risk.

“For decades, Tasmanian Governments have publicly released the same three data indicators to disclose the operation and effectiveness of the child safety systems,” Minister Jaensch said.

“Under our Government, the system has gone through significant reform, including the Strong Families Safe Kids redesign, which has improved outcomes for children and their families.

“To ensure greater transparency in the reformed system, as well as build public knowledge and confidence, we will now deliver seven data indicators.”

The new child safety data indicators are:

  1. Contacts with the Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line;
  2. Contacts to the Advice and Referral that were resolved including how they were resolved;
  3. Cases referred to the Child Safety Service for assessment;
  4. Average daily number of cases pending Child Safety Assessment;
  5. Average daily number of children in out of home care;
  6. Children restored to families; and
  7. Children transferred to third party guardianship.

“This significant increase in publicly released data will show the importance and effectiveness of the Advice and Referral Line in responding to safety and wellbeing concerns for children at the earliest possible stage,” Minister Jaensch said.

“The new data will also support better monitoring of permanent and stable outcomes for children in care.”

Additionally, the Government is working to make data publicly available regarding the operation and outcomes of the Youth Justice system, which is particularly important as we progress out significant reforms.

“The Tasmanian Liberal Government is focussed on increasing transparency and accountability in the systems and services that work with our most vulnerable children, young people and families,” Minister Jaensch said.

More Media Releases from Roger Jaensch

More Media Releases from the Minister for Education, Children and Youth


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