NATIONAL REPORT MILITARY FRAUD DAY – July 2, 2023 | #lovescams | #military | #datingscams | #datingscams | #love | #relationships | #scams | #pof | | #dating

History of National Report Military Fraud Day

National Report Military Fraud Day was established and first observed in 2018. It was founded by Joel Hesch, an attorney who worked for the whistleblower award office at the D.O.J. for over 15 years. Hesch reclaimed more than $1.2 billion in government recoveries from fraudsters and scammers while he worked at the D.O.J. He also helped in paying out huge sums as incentives to whistleblowers. Hesch then founded law firm of his own, and now exclusively represents whistleblowers in seeking monetary incentives for disclosing cases of government fraud and military misconduct.

Mr. Hesch also authored an e-book that explains the necessary information regarding military fraud and homeland security. This e-book is available for free on the official website for the national day. The e-book also includes his personal contact information in case any details on the whistleblower reward system are required. Hesch also has a personal website that outlines the eligibility criteria for whistleblower awards and incentives.

There are two options for reporting military fraud. The first is to report a crime under the D.O.J. reward program, which pays 15% to 25% of the money recovered as a whistleblower reward.
Furthermore, under this program, the government will launch an investigation and notify the whistleblower of the findings. The second option is to submit a complaint on the D.O.D. website. This allows for anonymous reporting of fraud as well. However, there is no investigation, reward, and notification of findings in this option.

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