Prosecutor recognizes three law enforcement officials from Ibarra – The Daily Reporter | #childpredator | #kidsaftey | #childsaftey

HANCOCK COUNTY — Prosecutor Brent Eaton has often noted that the cases his office prosecutes are only as good as the officers who investigate incidents and are then able to bring him solid evidence.

The county’s prosecutor is on record saying the solid work done by law enforcement is often the defining factor in his offices’ ability to successfully prosecute cases. The case of the State vs. Pedro Ibarra, Eaton noted, was a perfect example of the stellar investigative work done resulting in the conviction of a child predator who ended up getting a lengthy sentence.

Due to the solid work of three county law enforcement officials who worked the case, Eaton recognized the officials recently during a special ceremony.

Late last week, the Hancock County Prosecutor’s Office, which included Eaton and his chief deputy prosecutor, Aimee Herring, was proud to present special awards to three Hancock County Sheriff’s Department officials, Dave Wood, Richard VanOsdol and Barb Miers.

“Pedro Ibarra was convicted on felony child molest charges and sentenced to 50 years in prison because of the outstanding police work done on this case,” Eaton said.

Eaton noted the way the officials handled the case and spoke with the child victim made all the difference in the world and helped his office be able to secure a conviction and lengthy sentence.

“The empathy and compassion with which the officers communicated with the victim helped him feel comfortable and they then provided the information needed for the state to proceed with prosecution,” Eaton said. “Without the outstanding work that they did in establishing trust with the victim, it would have been impossible to proceed with this case. They did an outstanding job.”

Eaton went on to note, due to the high quality of the officers’ investigation, they were able to reveal other victims. The case was ultimately pursued by federal authorities and now Ibarra is currently serving a 50-year sentence in federal prison.

“It is unusual for federal authorities to become involved in a case of this type that is initiated at the local law enforcement level,” Eaton said. “It is a testament to the quality of the work that occurred here by these officers in Hancock County that the U.S. Department of Justice was so anxious to proceed on this case.”

Eaton was adamant that due to the efforts and the courage of the victim, a predator was removed from the streets and no longer has the opportunity to harm others.

“We commend officers Wood, VanOsdol and Miers,” Eaton said. “They deserve our thanks and appreciation for a difficult job well done.”

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