SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – Safety concerns were raised during the July 27 Lake Tahoe Unified School District board meeting.
During public comment, Teresa Schow read Jackie Hernandez’s comments regarding safety concerns at the local baseball fields. Dr. Cutler acknowledged that the fields and stands need significant upgrades and repairs. The cost of the upgrades and repairs were included in the Measure K Facilities Master Plan which did not pass in the last election. Dr. Cutler also noted that he would address the mowing issues immediately.
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Community Engagement Manager Victoria Ortiz and TRPA Associate Transportation Planner Ryan Murry provided information about the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) & Bike Month that was held during June 2023.
According to a press release from LTUSD, “Ortiz was excited to report that over 400 students biked and walked to school in June.”
Ryan referenced the SRTS Master Plan goals centered on safety for students and their families while walking and biking to school. He noted that if Measure K had passed many safety issues would have been addressed including improving entrances and pathways to the schools. Ortiz pointed out some lower cost safety improvements that can be made immediately and she highlighted TRPA programming provided to LTUSD 4th grade students regarding bike safety and the importance of wearing helmets.
Murray noted that TRPA is conducting a transportation survey and he encouraged everyone to take the survey to help guide the planning process so future transportation needs in the community can be met.
Lake Tahoe Unified School District Director of Innovation and Technology Sean Colt provided an Innovation and Technology Department update. Director Colt informed the Board that the District would be installing new 45 security cameras throughout the District. He also noted that South Tahoe Middle School will be receiving a state-of-the-art computer lab that will offer students an opportunity to learn essential skills for their futures.
The Board approved the South Tahoe High School Library pilot quote from Meteor Education where the Library will be redesigned with a new flexible floor plan and furniture. The priority for District and Site leadership is to create spaces in the District adapted to the modernized learning environment.
The Board briefly discussed the Board Self-Evaluation and determined that they will hold a Special Board meeting so they can take a deeper dive into the Evaluation.
Associate Superintendent Dr. Alan Reeder presented the Board with proposed changes to two Board Policies and one Administrative Regulation. These changes will address discrepancies in verbiage regarding make-up work and attendance.