T.J. Regional Health provides back-to-school health safety tips | #schoolsaftey

BOLWING GREEN Ky. – As the new school year fast approaches many parents worry about the various viruses they and their children can be exposed to as they begin mixing with many others at school.

Beth Brooks, DO at T.J. Regional Health, recommends the typical types of personal hygiene to keep kids, parents and educators safe from day to day.

“The basics are always going to be helpful in preventing disease spread. So, wash your hands, cover your mouth if you’re sneezing or coughing. Stay home if you’re sick. That’s going to help decrease community spread,” Brooks said.

Along with this it is important to understand that even though COVID numbers are slowly ticking up, it is possible to attribute this to the heat keeping more people inside much more than they normally would be during the summer. This is the same reason things like Influenza, RSV and COVID numbers go up when school starts.

“With respiratory viruses like COVID, RSV and the flu, anytime we congregate indoors and we get closer and more in each other’s faces, those are going to spike.” Brooks said.

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