Start by cutting your avocado in half and throwing away the pit — but don’t peel the halves just yet. Wrap them in microwave-safe plastic wrap and nuke them for 30-second intervals, checking in between to see if they have achieved the desired level of softness. If they are nearing the consistency you’re looking for, you can adjust this process slightly by microwaving for only 15 seconds at the next interval to avoid an overly mushy fruit. Don’t be alarmed if your kitchen starts to smell like cooked avocado — an unavoidable but harmless result of this method.
When your nice, soft fruit emerges from the microwave, you can unwrap the halves, peel them, and begin using them immediately. However, they’ll be pretty hot to the touch and may even continue cooking once out in the open. To cool them down, place your avocado halves in the fridge for a few minutes before peeling — or, if you don’t want to wait, run them under cold water before removing the plastic wrap. You may not end up with naturally ripened fruit, but you will get soft avocado flesh in a flash.