This summer, the blockbuster movie “Oppenheimer” will be released in movie theaters throughout the United States by the famous director Christopher Nolan. It is the story of the brilliant Harvard-trained scientist Robert J. Oppenheimer who was the brainchild of the Atomic Program at Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico during the World War II era. He developed the atomic bomb with his team at Las Alamos in the hopes of acquiring the weapon before the Nazis and ending the War. The movie is based on the Pulitzer Prize book, “The American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of Robert Oppenheimer,” by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin.
The Oppenheimer book by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherman is an excellent choice for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the life and achievements of Dr. Oppenheimer. The book provides a detailed account of Oppenheimer’s personal and professional journey, his role in the development of the atomic bomb, and the complex ethical and moral dilemmas he faced during that time.
Glenn Fiedelholtz was a senior cyber threat analyst for the federal government for 25 years. In addition, he worked for Raytheon and Northern Grumman Corporation as a cyber security analyst. He published the Cyber Security Network Guide textbook and many scholarly articles concerning different cyber security topics.