Utica Community Schools joins in county’s schools risk-and-vulnerability study – Macomb Daily | #schoolsaftey

School signs warn intruders that Peck Elementary is equipped with security cameras. (MACOMB DAILY FILE PHOTO)

The largest school district in Macomb County has joined more than half of the school districts in the county in signing up for a risk and vulnerability assessment.

The county Board of Commissioners earlier this month approved an inter-governmental agreement with Utica Community Schools to evaluate the district’s 41 buildings and their potential vulnerability to dangers such as shootings.

UCS, the second-largest district in the state, will forward its $2,000 grant per building for a total of $82,000 to join in the assessment that 13 other districts, including the Macomb Intermediate School District, in the county agreed to in May. There are 21 local districts in the county, in addition to the MISD.

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